Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Interviews about Common Core

Jessica D.
For this assignment I chose to interview my mother, Joyce, who just recently went back to Graduate School to obtain her Masters in Early Childhood Education. Having said that, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at a new teacher’s perspective of the Common Core Standards.
Are the Common Core Standards important?  Why/ Why not?
I feel that Common Core Standards are important because as educators (nation wide) we all need to be on the same page in regards to what content and curriculum we are teaching at each grade level.  For instance a typical developing child should be able to attend Grade 2 in Massachusetts and transfer to Arizona for Grade 3 and theatrically should not be behind in ELA or Math content being taught for the particular grade they are entering.  It does make sense that all children should be taught simultaneously the same content at each grade level.
 Do you think others in our community think the Common Core Standards are important? Why/ Why not?
I really think it depends what teacher population you are referring to; for instance a well seasoned veteran teacher probably feels that he/she covers the majority of concepts/content in the Common Core but might resent that they have to realign their teaching content/ methods to fully align with the Standards.
A newer teacher like myself (just completed my first year in a general education classroom) does not know anything but teaching according to the Common Core.
What are advantages of Common Core Standards?
Veteran teachers are able to enhance, adapt and modify the curriculum using their creativity to teach respective lessons not being tied down to scripted curriculum resources i.e. ELA anthology series or any Math curriculum.
What are disadvantages of Common Core Standards?
As a new teacher I was extremely overwhelmed with not having Common Core aligned curriculum, no materials or current resources (I taught at an inner city school).  As a result I spent a vast amount of time on the Internet trying to find, create and modify Common Core aligned lessons.
 How might the Common Core Standards be improved?
I think realistically they need to tried and tested (like most State Standards) and readjustments made accordingly.   
What do you believe teachers think about the Common Core Standards? Are they beneficial?
I think most teachers are worried that the Common Core Standards might not yet be properly aligned with standardized state testing, thereby skewing test results in their respective states.  Also I do not think teachers like the idea for some grade levels specific percentages are dictated to what content they have to teach: for example that they had to devote a percentage of time to fiction versus informational text, both of the aforementioned can help develop students to think critically and it should be left up to the discretion of the teacher how they would like to approach teaching critical thinking concepts.
 Do you think Common Core Standards are a “one-size-fits-all” approach to education?
Absolutely not, I think it is a start to standardizing the content/curriculum nationwide.  But many adjustments will need to be made for implementation to be ultimately successful.  Also I strongly feel that regional history that is taught in certain areas of our country should be maintained along with the Common Core and not replaced solely by the Common Core.
Do Common Core Standards benefit students with needs?

Personally, I have not had enough experience to know.  But according to an account I read about a principal in the Mid West whose school piloted the Common Core assessment, he stated that the failure rates rocketed upwards for students with the greatest needs.  Furthermore he stated that the exams looked like AP exams and were beyond the reach of many of his students.  What kind of message are we giving our students: we want them to feel successful, valued and confident not defeated!


In reflecting on my interview with my mother, I have found that we have similar opinions about the Common Core Standards. I agree with her that it is important to have curriculum across the nation so that students who move are able to successfully transfer into a new classroom having previously learned the same content as their peers. I also agree with my mother when reflecting upon the difficulties of new teachers not having curriculum (in certain school districts) that is aligned with the Common Core Standards, versus veteran teachers who may be easily able to adapt their prior content to align with the Common Core Standards. This then prompts me to wonder what veteran teachers think about the Common Core Standards – do they think they are beneficial, why/why not? In sum, it is clear to see that there are many different thoughts and opinions about the Common Core Standards, however, it is important for new teachers to become educated on these standards in order to follow the educational mandates.

Below is a picture of my mother and I.


I asked my sister-in-law Lisa if she would be willing to sit down and answer a few questions about the Common Core standards initiative and she agreed to. Although her son (my cutie pie nephew) is only in kindergarten, she is interested in the legislation and wants to learn more about it. Lisa Goggin is a Salem State Alum who graduated in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science in Business. She works at Massachusetts General Hospital as Coordinator of the Healing Garden at the Cancer Center which she also had a hand in designing.
Do you think the Common Core issue/debate is an important one?
Yes, I think it is a very important issue because if affects both the students and the teachers. The standards are supposed provide teachers and parents with a common understanding of what students are expected to learn. The standards define the knowledge and skills students should have within their K-12 education so they will able to graduate from high school and be prepared for entry level work, college, or trade schools.
Do you think others in the community think this issue is an important topic?
Unfortunately, many of the parents and residents of my community do not even know what the common core standards are - I only know a little bit more than others because last year my son Samuel's pre-school teacher explained some of the "things that were coming down the pike." His teacher was not very concerned because with the standards as she understood them, she would be able to create the lessons and activities - just as long as the standards were met. Ms. Jody is a fairly new teacher (3 years) and loved being able to construct the curriculum to meet the needs of every child in her classroom.
In your own opinion, do you think that there are advantages for the Common Core standards?
Yes, but from what I have read and heard I think that the standards may help teachers to collaborate across state lines. Also, children who move from another state will be able to adapt easier and have more stability in school.
What are some disadvantages of the Common Core standards?
Well, my first concern was when I found out that not all the states have adopted the standards. I find it a bit disconcerting that if it is supposed to be a better approach than No Child Left Behind - then why are the four states not on board. I still need to listen to both sides and then I will be able to weigh in.
How might the policy be improved?
I think the authors of the Common Core went a little overboard when writing the standards - they should revisit the  obvious items like the use of technology and multi-media in the classroom. Some schools in the community have the technology and teachers who are trained to use and other school have neither the technology nor the teachers who have the ability to utilize it.
Does the policy need to be replaced?  
Maybe - I still need to learn more about the standards because the bigger question is, "What would we replace it with?"
What disagreements, if any, about Common Core exist in your community?
I don't think there are many disagreements if any, in fact the Beachmont Veterans Elementary School where Sam attends kindergarten, the school and faculty are thrilled with the standards and the added staff to help implement the standards. School administrators have hired a new math tutor and a reading specialist with some of the funds granted along with the Common Core.

For anyone who wants more information on the Common Core standards - take a look at:
1.    ab.mec.edu/curriculum/curricpdf/common-core.pdf

Special Thanks to my beautiful and intelligent sister-in-law Lisa.

Jessica M. 

 Suzie- substitute teacher:
Do you think that the common core is important?
Yes, I do feel that it is important. It helps align the curriculum so that everyone has common instruction as well as what we need to teach. It is a foundation for instruction. It is concrete, gives a common thing to focus towards. Years ago, it was not as important. All classes were the same from the publishers of books. The common core works from the bottom up in the form of layers, focusing on analyzing and figuring. However, I don’t feel that we are any more ahead than we were 20 years ago. It is a work in progress. It is complicated and ongoing. There is a lot of responsibility pout on to us teachers and this makes it difficult.
Do you think others in the community feel the same way as you do?
Yes, I do! During the team meetings all teacher have the same struggles and problems. Each of the teachers seems to have mutual concerns on how we are to get it all done. You have to be a genius in order to manage and plan according to the core. We are all overwhelmed most of time with the common core. I come in every weekend to prepare for everything for future weeks. It is a lot of extra work for teachers.
What are some advantages of the common core?
It is a model of instruction and it is a guide for teachers to use so that everyone is taught equally and evenly.
What are some disadvantages of the common core?
It restricts us and inhibits the classroom teacher personality. It is also so specific that you must stay on track with it and if you don’t, you fall behind so far. It is so disjointed.
How might you improve the common core?
I would take away what was expected to teach so that the bulk would be taken off of our shoulders. I would also go and have more than one instructor or teacher in the classroom in order to enhance the learning of students and having more teacher support. These other teachers would have experience and teach equally alongside the other.
Do you think the common core needs to be replaced?
I would not replace the common core, just fix and simplify it. It is so broad that we are the ones to make it our own for the kid sake. I also don’t think that it is touching on the basic skills like phonics, spelling and basic instruction. I would have those be more of a focal point in the common core. I would also have an extra person for support. This person would have beneficial experience for the teacher and the students.

When interviewing the substitute teacher, I found out more information about the common core. I think she had some great points of focus as well as ideas about the common core itself. Her views as well as the views of other teachers are ones to note on the common core and its standing for teachers in a school system. I agree when she stated that the common core is a work in progress. It is still a new concept for everyone and they are still trying to work out some of the kinks. I liked how she mentioned the team meetings and their discussion about the common core. She has some great insight and experience as a teacher and her views are very interesting.
·        ** There was no picture of her to add into the blog but this picture from online fit well with how she saw a teacher and their responsibilities. 

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