Thursday, November 7, 2013

Critical Attributes of the Common Core

This is a link we have found giving, on detail, the big ideas of the common core and how we as teachers can implement it and work alongside it as best we can.


decided to take action in two different ways. First, I made a promise to myself to always be up to date on the most recent articles and news events centered on the Common Core Standards. Having said that, I truly believe that in being educated about the Common Core Standards I will be able to not only inform myself, but also fellow teachers who may/ may not be aware of its’ specific impact on the educational system within our national department of education. Therefore, I believe that one of my main goals of taking action against this issue is to promote others to educate themselves on the various different pros and cons about the Common Core Standards. Second, I decided to sign a petition to stop Common Core Standards because I do not agree with them entirely. One of the reasons why I do not agree with Common Core Standards is due to the fact that it is being implemented way too fast! I also believe that the Common Core Standards are a “one-size-fits-all” approach to education and do not make the proper accommodations for English Language Learners (ELLs) and students with special needs. These accommodations need to be made in order to address the needs of all students, not just some students. 

After having taken action, I feel empowered! I think that one of the best things that teachers can do when teaching their students about social justice is to have them take action on an issue or topic that impacts them. Whether students sign a petition, donate money to an organization, or write a letter, it is nonetheless important that they do something! For, it is crucial that students understand their impact on the world around them! Therefore, one may argue that education is the instrument through which teachers can inspire students to help the citizens around them. Having said that, I agree with the following quote in noting that it is teachers’ responsibilities to teach their students about the struggles for social justice that are at the very core of our nation’s history: “Concerns about the common good and the rights of the individual, no matter how humble in social standing, transcends politics and holds a definitive place in the realms of morality, ethics and federal law, and therefore in the world of teaching social studies”. Ultimately, as a future educator, I am proud to take action, and can only hope that my future students feel the same one day when they take action on an issue too!

I decided to take action by making sure I stay on top of all new news about the common core. I never stayed in the now with current events because I never felt a direct connections or importance of them. However, since I am a future teacher, I think that the common core is definitely something to stay on top of. It is new into the world of education and is not working, as of now. I understand the meaning behind it but it is so flawed as of right now. I am taking action by making sure I know about the changes in the common core as soon as they occur. I am also taking action by discussing the common core with my family. I have a little sister in elementary school as well as having most of my immediate cousins in elementary school as well. By taking action and keeping my family notified on how my family is being taught, my family will realize that the common core is a work in progress and not working for the schools. I was also looking into signing petitions against the common core. The common core is too strict and seems to "dumb down" some states, including MA. The other way of taking action is gathering more information, sign petitions, and possibly write letters or emails to government officials expressing my opposition of the common core.

By taking this action, my family is able to connect and become more involved in the education of my sister and cousins. I feel that this is important because it seems less and less families are that involved in their child’s education. The only contribution is nightly homework and a parent teacher conference.  I think that it is also important that people understand the Massachusetts commitment to the core and the sacrifices or contributions it faces. Massachusetts education has taken a toll when it adopted the common core and it is important for citizens to be knowledgeable about the future of our country, starting with education.  

Myself, Jessica D, and Jessica M have been searching for the truth about the Common Core Standards since we've started the blog. The essential question: What is it? The more information I uncover on this mandate and the deeper I dig - the more opposed to it I become. What exactly is the Common Core Standard(s)? It is the opinion of many, of which I agree, that the Common Core Standards Initiative is a U.S education initiative that seeks to bring diverse state curricula into alignment with each other by following the principles of standard based education reform. The initiative is sponsored by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). I found out that the past twenty years in the U.S. have also been termed the "Accountability Movement," as states are being held to mandatory tests of student achievement, which are expected to demonstrate a common core of knowledge that all citizens should have to be successful in this country. Some more research uncovered that as part of this overarching education reform movement, the nation's governors and corporate leaders founded Achieve, Inc. in 1996 as a bi-partisan organization to raise academic standards, graduation requirements, improve assessments, and strengthen accountability in all 50 states. The initial motivation for the development of the Common Core State Standards was part of the America Diploma Project. Take a look at Alyson William's flowchart which explains who controls Common Core. Alyson William is a Utah mother activist who is a Mommy Patriot (As A Mom) and working hard to expose the agenda of our government, the lobbyists, and big business.
I have also joined As A Mom and have been part of the recent conversations about major issues concerning the welfare of our great nation. When we started the blog I knew very little about the Common Core Standards Initiative - I now feel better equipped to take a stand. Therefore I have joined with Michelle Malkin and many more mommy patriots to educate and inform about who really benefits from the Common Core Standards.